Millions of Brits are still confused about the advice and guidance around coronavirus.

A poll of 2,000 adults found as the nation is forced to adapt to a new way of living, 46 per cent admitted to feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information and advice they have been hearing.

And a further 29 per cent have struggled to keep up to date with the ever-changing situation.

The UK is about to go into its sixth week of lockdown, but three in 10 still aren’t fully confident about the guidance and recommendations around it.

Most concerning, 30 percent are confused about what they should and shouldn’t take to relieve any symptoms associated with COVID-19, and two in five have experienced 'contradictory' advice.

Dr Bruce Charlesworth, Chief Medical Officer of RB Health, makers of Nurofen and Lemsip, which commissioned the research, said: “Given the unprecedented nature of the current situation we are most certainly seeing an 'infodemic' in parallel with the pandemic.

“At best this means there is confusion around what advice to listen to and at worst it means people acting on the wrong advice; changing medication when there's no need or even avoiding self-care.

“Normally emerging science is filtered, peer reviewed and less reactive, but unfortunately due to the sheer volume of information and the desire to get news out quickly there has been a lot of contradictory advice emerging.”

Confusion about medication.

The study also found 30 per cent are confused about whether they can take Ibuprofen for potential symptoms of the virus such as a fever or a headache.

An eighth even admitted they have avoided treating everyday pain during the pandemic, which resulted in it getting worse.

This includes 23 per cent ignoring a sore throat, a third with headaches and 23 per cent brushing aside a fever.

For advice, 45 per cent have looked at the NHS website, with 12 per cent checking for updates daily and 18 per cent doing so at least a few times a week.

Only a tenth have spoken to their doctor for information - with more have turned to social media (12 per cent) and search engines (16 per cent) for an answer.

A further quarter have opted for official government websites and 36 per cent watch TV news channels for advice.

Worryingly, one in six believe ‘most things’ they read on social media about coronavirus.

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