Your letters - May 1

We welcome your letters - email them to [email protected] include your name and address if your letter is for publication.

Why the barrier?

AM I being victimised for owning a car with a high roof rack?

Since Whydown Woods has installed a height barrier at the front of the car park I am finding it almost impossible to park my car and walk the dog.

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For those who are not aware of the changes that this has brought for the many users of the walks, it is one frustration and bewilderment.

There is now no parking for high cars and so people who do not have an option of using another car have had to abandon the opportunity of walking around the woods as there is nowhere to park. Whydown also has a great bridle path, but how on earth does it become accessible for those who need to transport their horses to that start of the walk?

Due to the barrier there is now no where to park a horse box, so access is now denied.

As an everyday user of the woods myself, and talking to others, we find it strange that no consultation document was visible or even a number displayed where it was possible to contact someone over the instalment or ways to open the gate if necessary.

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Which I am sure the dog excrement lorry would have welcomed when he came to empty out the bins.

I would be interested to see a reply to this issue here from anyone who was instrumental in having the barrier installed.


School Farm Barn


Thanks for coffee

I WOULD like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Martin Bluhm for so generously allowing the Society of Bexhill Museums to hold a coffee morning at his home in Newlands Avenue.

It was truly a wonderful experience viewing and touching so many treasures from the past.

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Thanks are also due to the society's events group of Christine O'Grady, June Brewer and Sheila Hayes for organising the refreshments on the day.

Also to Gillian Beecher who helped to arrange the event. And we must not forget Dennis Hayes who, 'dragged along' by wife Sheila, helped as doorkeeper.

Last but by no means least the dozens of visitors who contributed to the 46 raised for the Society's funds. Just a reminder that on the first Thursday of every month the society holds a coffee morning in Parkhurst Hall starting at 10am.

It's just 60p for coffee and biscuits plus a chance to pick up a bargain at the book stall and buy from the selection of home-made cakes and pastries. And to finish up, you may be lucky and win a raffle prize.


Trustee and Head of Fundraising

Society of Bexhill Museums Ltd

Answer to protests

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A RADIO show asked listeners "Who do you identify more with, the world leaders at the G20 summit or the protesters on the streets of London outside?"

Most people phoning in gave the obvious answer of the protesters or somewhere between the two sides.

But the question itself is loaded, because it assumes that there are only two groups in the situation, and therefore you HAVE TO take a side.

Next we need to ask why we would identify with a particular group '“ what would we be looking to achieve together.

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Both sides say they are trying to solve global problems, but can't agree what those problems are or how to solve them. So how can we decide on the problems in the world, there root causes and how to solve them?

This reminded me of the comments of Mohandas K. Gandhi to Lord Irwin (British Viceroy to India) when he was asked what would bring peace between the two countries (Britain and India).

Gandhi picked up a bible and turning to Matthew chapter 5 replied, 'When your country and mine shall get together on the teachings laid down by Christ in this Sermon on the Mount, we