Reader letter: Collective closure of retail companies for Queen's funeral would be 'good diplomacy'

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II before the Diamond Jubilee Coronation Cup race on Derby Day, June 2, 2012 in Epsom, England. Photograph: Ben Stansall/ WPA Pool /Getty ImagesHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II before the Diamond Jubilee Coronation Cup race on Derby Day, June 2, 2012 in Epsom, England. Photograph: Ben Stansall/ WPA Pool /Getty Images
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II before the Diamond Jubilee Coronation Cup race on Derby Day, June 2, 2012 in Epsom, England. Photograph: Ben Stansall/ WPA Pool /Getty Images
Writes John Barstow, USDAW executive council member, The Fleet, Fittleworth

There was very widespread retail closure for the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997.

Hence the case for a full collective retail closure for the funeral of Her Majesty on the bank holiday of Monday, September 19.

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Her Majesty throughout her reign was noted for her innate sense of diplomacy.

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In this spirit a collective closure by the retail companies throughout the United Kingdom would be good diplomacy.

Such a move would give time and space to retail staff and their distribution colleagues to reflect with their families and communities where they live.

And would be showing good discretion viz-a-viz the funeral arrangements, ie, enhancing the sense of peace and decorum - and preventing awkwardness and obstruction in the streets.

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The retail companies would also gain as more goods would be bought before the one day closure and upon reopening.

Finally the retail sector would gain much public respect by showing due discretion for the reasons stated by closing their doors.

As they say discretion is the better part of valour.

To share your views, send letters of no more than 250 words with your name, address and daytime telephone number to [email protected], or post to The Observer, Metro House, Northgate, Chichester, West Sussex, P019 1BE

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