Vicky Meets: Claire Skaptason, Personal Development Trainer and Coach

Claire Skaptason. Photo: Ally BerryClaire Skaptason. Photo: Ally Berry
Claire Skaptason. Photo: Ally Berry
Building good habits is something that you help people with. What are the keystones of good habit creation?

If you want to be successful then you need to start small and understand why the introduction of this new habit is important to you.

Like setting any goal, if you’re not committed to it, if you are not aware of the benefits that it might bring or if you’re trying to introduce it at the wrong time, you are more likely to fall at the first hurdle.

Secondly, habits are formed as a result of a cue.

For example, I feel thirsty so I take a drink of water.

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Experts talk about habit stacking whereby you introduce a new habit on top of an already formed habit.

I recently, after reading Dr Michael Mosely’s book Just One Thing, stacked two new habits on top of two already formed habits.

I started balancing on different legs while cleaning my teeth and also, after taking a hot shower, I turn the shower to cold for the last 15 seconds.

Two habits that I started on the same day because I could really relate to their health benefits (and which I have continued).

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Finally, I believe that making yourself accountable to the new habit is key.

This is why I always suggest that people use a habit tracker, which they put somewhere visible to them and others – the fridge door is always a good spot.

The idea is that you mark off every time you complete your habit – you and anyone else in the kitchen can witness your success.