Ninfield and Hooe

Ninfield & Hooe newsNinfield & Hooe news
Ninfield & Hooe news
VILLAGE MARKET: Tomorrow, Saturday, from 9.30am to noon in the Memorial Hall. This popular and now regular fixture in the village diary has made it's home in the Memorial Hall and, once again will be packed with stalls selling local produce at very reasonable prices. From Stella's scrummy Pies, to Emma's extraordinary cakes and bakes; from Phil and the Rivermead vegetables and plants to Robin's eggs, the brilliant butcher, apple juice, cards, crafts and so much more. It's a great morning to browse, buy, order for the future and catch up with friends over a cup of tea or coffee. Next date will be November 18 and the Christmas Special Market on Wednesday December 13, in the evening, with lots of festive surprises. Watch this space. Call Chris Hutchinson on 893388 for more info.

BONFIRE NIGHT: Tomorrow, Saturday, torch-lit procession of drummers and societies leaves Church Lane at 7.30pm, then majestically makes it’s way through the village, via the Green, Manchester Road, Coombe Lane, High Street and back down Church Lane to the recreation ground. The bonfire will then be lit, with full chant, and then the fireworks will light up the sky. Arguably the best in East Sussex, the whole event is brilliantly organised by the Ninfield Bonfire Society, with food stands and tea tent, glowing things and memorabilia, plus the charity rattling buckets. Make sure you bring some small change, or some old pound coins and make a donation to this stunning celebration. The Ninfield Carnival Assocociation are running an outside bar thoughout the evening in the Blacksmiths car park, as the pub is unfortunately closed again, the bar will open at 5.30pm and close at midnight. The Hooe Supper Club will also be on site and cooking their speciality Thai curry and rice for extra sustenance. All profits from the bar will go towards the Carnival and Bonfire Society’s charities. Please come and support this fantastic village event.

AGM: Ninfield Memorial Hall AGM is on Monday, 7.30pm in the hall. Please come and find out more about what goes on to keep this wonderful old venue ticking along. As you can see by the lists of meetings, classes, displays and events advertised in this column each week, the Memorial Hall has a full, active and interesting life and supports the village in many ways. At over 100 years old, it needs constant attention, and is undergoing more changes, with the toilet facilities and kitchen next on the agenda for refurbishment. The committee work hard to maintain and improve this valuable resource, they would love to see more people at the AGM who want to get involved. For more information look for the Memorial Hall Facebook page.

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LOCAL HISTORY GROUP: Ninfield Local History Group exhibition on Mondays through October, 10am to midday. There are only a couple of Mondays left for people to go and see the special exhibition upstairs in Sparke Pavilion. Entitled The History of Ninfield School, the display has documents, photographs and memories over the last century, showing how the school has changed and withstood various challenges. Members of the history group will be very pleased to chat to visitors, so please do go early and discover this interesting exhibition. Call John Cheshire on 892248 for more information.

HALLOWEEN PARADE: Saturday October 28, from 4.15pm meet at Sparke Pavilion and then the teams of trick-or-treaters will be set off round the village. After 15 years, the residents are used to this organised, fun event and are ready to surprise the youngsters, and parents, when they knock on the door. At 5.15pm the teams all meet up at Molly’s Corner (Lower Street) and a guided Spooky Walk will then take place through the field to the Working Men’s Club. The Tin Hut Committee are hosting the fangtastically decorated club of fun, with music for dancing, food and sharing of sweets. Grand Witch Marj will judge the Fancy Dress Competition and the evening will finish at 7pm to clear by 7.30pm for the members to carry on the ghoulish Halloween delights. Call me on the numbers below for more details, look at social media sites and posters, and bring a flashlight for the Walk.

HOOE QUIZ NIGHT: Saturday October 28, 7pm for 7.30pm, in the village hall, Denbigh Road, Hooe. Teams maximum six people. Entry £30 per table of six (£5 per person). Food includes a ploughman’s supper, bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles. All profits to the Church Roof Fund. Call Tony on 01424 210201 or email [email protected].

DEMENTIA FORUM: Film Afternoon, Wednesday November 1, at the Methodist Church Hall, Church Lane, doors open at 1.30pm for the film to start at 2pm. This is the launch of the new Ninfield Dementia Forum and the afternoon is open to those with dementia, their family, friends and neighbours. The screening is free, but please book a seat. There will also be refreshments and a raffle. The event is being organised by Wealden District Council in conjunction with Dementia Action Alliance and Home Instead Senior Care. Please call 01892 602757 or email [email protected] to book your place for this wonderful film, an absolute favourite. This is hoped to become a regular event and is supported by the parish council.

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PARISH COUNCIL: Meeting on Thursday November 2, 7.15pm at the Methodist Church Hall and everyone is encouraged to attend. There will, as always, be a packed agenda and each item is important to someone in the village so, it is a really good idea to get along and hear what’s going on first hand. The debates and discussions are lively and informative and decisions made are well founded and fair. There will be reports from the District and County Councillors, updates on the Local Plan and all the latest on the school and the construction of the new classrooms and play areas. This is due to start in half term week with heavy machinery and equipment arriving on the recreation ground from Monday October 23, which will firstly dig out a temporary access road and extra footpath. If you are keen on hearing all the latest reports, and have an interest in the maintenance/progression of the village, please consider becoming a parish councillor. There are currently two vacancies and the workload would be better for being shared more widely. Call Clerk to the Council, Jackie Scarff on 07725843505 or email [email protected].

ART SOCIETY: Saturday November 4, the society are thrilled to announce that they will be holding an exhibition and sale of work in then Memorial Hall, with doors opening at 10am and closing at 4pm. Refreshments including tea and cakes will be available. There will be a chance to watch Fine Artist, Trevor Spinks at work, or to buy that special something for Christmas. To try out different media and create a piece yourself; for children to have their first art experience. There is a children’s art competition, judged and awarded on the day. It is asked that any purchases of art on the day be cash only transactions, or by cheque with agreement from the Artist. The NADAS meet on Wednesdays in the Memorial hall from 2pm to 5pm and there are still a few places available if you are keen to join.

HOOE OPEN GROUP: Great to get the latest report form Edna and the most recent lively shenanigans held in the village hall, Hooe on the second Friday of the month. Friday October 13 did not see any ghastly bad luck for the ladies club at all, in fact quite the reverse. They had a marvellous afternoon being entertained by David Wallis and the stories he had from the early days of Music Hall when his father was a seasoned and well known performer. He had been part of the famous Minstrel Group, Mohawk Minstrels, performing from 1869-1914. David’s father was a Sidesman, playing the banjo and the bones. This wonderful genre of early theatre and light entertainment for the people, is only now receding sadly, as many of us are still completely conversant with popular Music Hall songs and also remember all the Good Old Days shows from the City Varieties and Players Theatres. I’m hoping to get to one of these fabulous afternoons with the HOGs Ladies in the new year because, not only are the speakers fascinating, the subsequent afternoon teas are also fantastic. Call Edna Wallis on 842591 for more information.

CHURCH SERVICES: Sunday, 10.30am Methodist Church Worship and Praise with John Troughton.

PARISH CHURCH: Parish Church: Sunday, 9.30am St Mary’s Ninfield, Parish Eucharist; 11.15am St Oswald’s Hooe, Parish Eucharist.