Joe O’Riordan sentenced to 20 years for attempted murder

Joseph O'Riordan and his wife Amanda in happier timesJoseph O'Riordan and his wife Amanda in happier times
Joseph O'Riordan and his wife Amanda in happier times
The former secretary of the 1066 Licensed Victuallers’ Association in Hastings has been sentenced to 20 years in prison today for trying to kill his wife Amanda after he found out she had a brief affair.

Joe O’Riordan was sentenced this morning (April 22) at Brighton Law Court.

He was also made the subject of a restraining order and has been banned from contacting his wife in any way.

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The 74-year-old, from Brookside Avenue, Polegate, was convicted of attempted murder yesterday (April 21).

He attacked Amanda on October 22 with a nine-inch kitchen knife, raining nine blows down on her chest, abdomen, arms and hand.

The prosecution said Mrs O’Riordan’s short affair with the couple’s former postman Nick Gunn was a ‘catalyst’ for the attack.

Sentencing, Judge Shani Barnes, Honorary Recorder of Brighton & Hove, said, “You had dedicated your life to serving your community and conducting works for charity.

“But like most of us we are not all good and bad.

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“Amanda O’Riordan said that on October 22 of last year you walked calmly from the bedroom, selected out of a vast range of implements the largest kitchen knife and walked back into the room without any sign of a sudden loss of temper or panic.

“There was no manic agitation.

“You were resigned that this is what she had driven you to do.

“In the nine minutes before you relented and called 999 I believe you used your full strength and determination to try to kill Amanda O’Riordan.

“And I believe you did that as you would not, could not, contemplate her leaving you.

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“You lunged at her again and again inflicting the most terrible injuries, any one of which could have, but fortunately did not, kill her.

“I have seen the terrible physical scars that she has been left with, which undoubtedly will be with her for many, many years, if not forever.

“I am aware of the psychological trauma she suffers nightly, unable to sleep, waking up screaming, trying to fight you off. That will stay with her indefinitely.

“The damage you have done to her is absolutely terrible.

“You have not taken responsibility of what you did to her that night.

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