GCSE results: Proud principal at hard-working Ormiston students

THERE were smiling faces at the Ormiston Six Villages Academy as it celebrated its GCSE results.

High fliers at the school included Josh Jones with four A*s and six A’s, Rebecca Pritchard with five A*s and five A’s, Ellie Simpson with two A*s and six A’s, and Alex Baxter with four A*s and six A’s.

“I’m really happy,” said 16-year-old Ellie. “I didn’t know (how I’d done). I was really nervous but I wanted to know, because after all the hard work you want to know how you’ve done.”

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She will head to Havant College in September to study chemistry, biology and psychology and said she was relieved after finally finding out how she had done after a summer of waiting.

“It’s been nice but you’ve always got it at the back of your mind,” she said.

She said her geography teacher Miss Gudgeon had been her favourite teacher and helped her enjoy the subjects.

“I wouldn’t say geography is a very interesting subject but she always tried to engage with students in class,” she said.

Principal Steve Nelmes praised the students’ hard work.

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“It’s really pleasing to see the smiling faces this morning (August 20),” he said. Those students who have worked hard have really done well and high-achieving students have done particularly well and now go on to their much-deserved college places.

“I’m very proud of the hard work the students have put in and staff. Another pleasing thing is the results for our current Year 10 – the next Year 11. They took their English early and their results are very good.”

“I think I did pretty well – better than expected I guess,” said Josh Jones, 16.

“I was actually quite excited. I wanted to know what I was going to get. There’s no point being nervous because you’ve already done the test.

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“It seems a long time ago since I did the exams. It felt like all the other exams and it was a relief afterwards.”

Alex Baxter added: “I was a bit nervous opening them.

“I had them for a while and was like ‘I don’t know whether I want to open them’.

“You spend the last few months thinking about it and then it’s all done and it’s come out well.”

He is off to Worthing College to study English literature, history and biology.

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