Need for airport expansion ‘urgent’, say business chiefs

Proposed plan for new runway at  Gatwick Airport SUS-150302-164645001Proposed plan for new runway at  Gatwick Airport SUS-150302-164645001
Proposed plan for new runway at Gatwick Airport SUS-150302-164645001
One hundred business chiefs have written to the Government, urging ministers to fast-track the expansion of either Gatwick or Heathrow.

Campaign group Let Britain Fly says Britain would lose out if the Government does not act decisively on an upcoming Airports Commission report, which will recommend expanding Gatwick or Heathrow.

Signatories include a number of business leaders from major firms, including many from the FTSE 100; alongside the heads of business organisations including the British Chambers of Commerce, IOD, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and London First.

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