
Mrs Deborah Ongley, Beckley Main Street

The BSA held their quiz night with supper on Friday. Well done the Beckley Flyers a resounding win.

The 1940’s evening raise £70 for BVH. Thanks go out for the dancers who kept the dance floor swinging. It was such a shame there was so little support from the villagers. The new curtains are on order so the hall will look a lot smarter.

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Sadly Beckley Guides has closed for the time being as there is no longer a Leader. If anyone thinks they would like to become a Leader, they would get a lot of support and there is a really good training programme, they can email Pam, or phone 253177 or text 07963877878

Bargains in Beckley. Setup for locals to sell items they no longer need and want to sell, if you are looking for something why not try posting a wanted post. No selling fees like most internet sites or local free papers. Just go on face book and enter Bargains in Beckley and join this free group we have over 159 members.

Rye and District Lions Club are holding their 7th Brass Band Concert, actually on Burns Night, on Friday 25th January 2013 7.45pm at Beckley Village Centre. All money raised will, as every other year, go to Macmillan Cancer Support Only £6.50 (including arrival refreshment)In aid of Macmillan Cancer Support Tickets available from Beckley Motors Or 0845 833 2825 or at the door (if any left)Buy your tickets ASAP as the last six years the Concert was fully booked

So that residents are aware they can contact our District Councillor Ian Jenkins via e mail. This will help the parish by giving you more immediate responses to questions or concerns. [email protected]. Rother District Council has a fly tipping telephone line 01424 787000 or an online reporting system give full details of location and what the fly tipping consists of.

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eckley Parish Council has their website up and running. Please check it out; there is an update on the 30mph for Beckley. the Beckley parish council meeting in January is scheduled for Wednesday 9th January 2013 has been re-arranged and will take place at 10.00am on Saturday 12th January 2013 in the village hall. Should the meeting prove successful, with many villagers attending, the PC will consider quarterly Saturday morning meetings

*Dog fouling isn’t just unpleasant, it’s illegal. Dog owners have a responsibility to clear up after their pets, those that don’t can face fines of up to £1,000.If you would like to make a dog fouling complaint please phone 01424 787000 if you don’t make this call they will keep letting their dogs do it.

Beckley Village Centre is available to hire. By people hiring and supporting fund raising events put on by the hall committee it will keep the hiring costs down. Why not book a Children’s party, wedding reception or conference. For further information on charges and hall bookings call Margaret Lenton 01797260420

Why not join one of the many groups held in Beckley village centre.

Beckley Baby Club every Wednesday 9.15-11.15 £2

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Aeroba-Funk. High/Low Impact Aerobics with an Old Skool Style and Mix’d Sounds (70’s, 80’s, and 90’s onwards) Suitable for all levels of fitness. Tuesdays 6.30pm.Emma 07809 887471

Pilates every Wednesdays 1.30pm contact Sarah Lush 07769651899

Taekwondo every Wednesdays 4.30pm contact Petra Darvill 01233 330128

Beckley Trefoil Guild meets Third Monday of the month in the Small Hall at 7.30 Secretary Julie 252404

Brownies Thursday 6.30pm

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