Former PR professional who worked with Princess Diana celebrates new career

Yad Luthra, bell&coYad Luthra, bell&co
Yad Luthra, bell&co
Yad Luthra reflects on the struggle to find work in his mid-50s before taking the plunge and setting up his home style store, belle&co in Lewes, East Sussex.

In June 2023 belle&co - the award-winning independent vintage furniture retailer in Lewes, East Sussex - celebrates its fifth birthday this coming November.

Belle&co’s founder, Yad Luthra, was previously a communications professional with more than 25 years’ experience within the arts, theatrical, charity and broadcasting sectors. Working for the BBC and Channel 4, he looked after programmes including Dispatches, Channel 4’s flagship investigative journalism series, and Benefits Street to Test Cricket.

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Yad said: “After nearly three decades in PR, I decided it was time for a change. I applied for roles including a shelf-stacker at Waitrose and did various handyman jobs, decorating, gardening, data inputting and shifts in a restaurant - anything just to keep some income coming in. It seemed as though nobody wanted a 53 year old and, probably, over-qualified person."

Yad also worked closely with Diana, Princess of Wales, leading the anti-landmine campaign for the British Red Cross. In 1997, he escorted her and 50-plus journalists on a press trip to Angola.

During his stint in the London theatre scene, Yad worked with Colin Firth, Minnie Driver, Dominic West, Damien Lewis, Harold Pinter, Diana Rigg, David Hare, to name but a few.

As Yad approached his mid-50s, he decided to give up his career in television. However, he soon discovered that despite his experience, finding work at 53 years old was tough.

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It was at this point Yad decided to turn something that was a hobby and an interest into a fully-fledged business.

Yad said: “I began formulating ideas about starting a business, and that’s when the idea for belle&co was born.

"Since then the store and website have gone from strength to strength, and I’ve found myself building a business I love, rather than a plan for retirement. It’s made me realise you’re never too old to completely change course, take a risk and do something completely different with your life.”

Belle&co, the furniture store Yad now owns and runs, specialises in high-quality, authentic and stylishly designed furniture, focussing on mid-century to the contemporary.

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Established in November 2018, belle&co has attracted an UK-wide and international client base including well-known names such as Steve Coogan, Zoe Ball and Mark Strong.

Yad’s family came to the UK from India in the mid-1960s when he was one, with only a few pounds in his parents’ pockets. He first realised his passion for interiors at the age of 10, when Yad’s father gave him extra pocket money to decorate the family home.

Belle&co prides itself on sourcing unique and individual items, which are restored or repurposed, to give them a new lease of life. It also looks to work with local craftspeople, upholsterers and restorers. Part of the ethos of belle&co is sustainable living, encouraging people to buy quality vintage pieces, rather than brand new items.